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  • Reach the best audience of doctors online and in print
  • For more information: +44 (0)20 3655 5100 or 

Premium Package includes 

  • 1 x online job listing for 6 weeks on  
  • 3 x weeks quarter page colour print adverts in The BMJ print*
  • 1 x print cross-reference in The BMJ print
  • 1 x premium job enhancement on
  • 1 x promoted job enhancement on

* This applies to one job listing. A quarter page print advert can contain up to 180 words and your logo.
Package for GP clients only - contact your Account Manager for packages applicable to other sectors

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  • Pay per advert, or annual subscription packages for NHS Trusts
  • For further information about our new GP recruitment subscriptions initiative contact David Aldridge
  • CV database access
  • Advertising in The BMJ GP or Clinical Research editions
  • Discounted package rates
  • BMA member discounts
  • Advance searching, reports and job management features
  • Download our 2024 media pack


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How BMJ Careers helped Lincolnshire GPs become a brand
